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What Foods give us the most Energy? (Part 1)

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The quality of the energy we consume, impacts the quality of our experiences.

What does this mean for us?

If you want a more vibrant and healthy life, you need to consume foods that gives you more energy than it takes to digest them.

Let’s go back to thermodynamics!


The First Law of Thermodynamics


Energy is neither created or destroyed, it is only transferred and transformed. In the body, homeostasis is any process that maintains a stable environment (balance). Functions such as energy intake (metabolism), sleep and temperature regulation, all operate within the first law of thermodynamics.


Human metabolism involves converting forms of energy in food into other forms of energy needed to live. Metabolism converts food’s potential energy to both work and heat energy. Work energy is needed to do physical movements and activities. Heat energy is used to maintain a proper body temperature.


Food is one of the primary, basic building blocks that supply living things with the energy that they convert for homeostatic processes.


Our Energy Optimization Strategy


We no longer look at the calories in the foods we consume. The reason is that calories are not equal (you can’t just swap eating 3 apples for the same amount of calories in one donut) are that each food type requires different amounts of energy to process thus varying the amount left for restoration, movement and thought.


What matters is the amount of heat your body needs to generate to digest the foods you eat. Vegetables require very little heat so most of their energy units are “given” to the body to use for energy production. Proteins require a lot of heat to process so they give almost zero energy units to the body.


What are Angstrom units?


This energy is both electrical and vibrational. Its scientific term is “Angstrom units”. The basic human wavelength is about 6500 angstroms. Foods that have wavelengths between 6500 and 10,000 angstroms, are regarded as the highest quality for human consumption (see the chart below for more in-depth information).


We look at angstrom/ energy of foods in every meal because we want to feel great, healthy and happy all day – everyday. We often joke that we have become “Energitarians”.


Thermodynamics first law again – Energy is always being changed—never created or destroyed!


More On Angstroms…


The average Human Body Operates on a minimum of 6500 angstroms of energy. We need on average 6000-7000 angstroms of systemic energy at all times.


The average cancer patient measure 4975 angstroms.  According to Christopher Bird in his book “The Secret Life of Plants”, at approximately 4500 to 5200 angstroms, you are more susceptible to cancer or other seriously degenerative issues. So, the key is, Maximize energy and life force of what you consume. The electrical output of foods in Angstroms and energy.


Andre Simonten, did some break through work on measure the values of food energy. According to his measurements, foods can be divided into 4 different categories. Here’s a summary on a printable chart of his science based findings.


Energy of healthy foods


First category: Foods between 6500 and 10000 angstroms.


Second category: Foods between 3000 and 6500 angstroms.

  • Vegetables (cooked) 4000 to 6500 angstroms


Third category: Foods below 3000 angstroms.

  • Milk (pasteurized)
  • Cooked Meats, Sausages, Coffee, Tea, Chocolate, Jams, Processed Cheeses, Bread
  • Cheese 1800 angstroms
  • Refined white flour 1500 angstroms
  • Cooked meats 0 angstroms


Fourth category: Exhibits virtually no energy.

  • Margarine, Alcoholic Spirits, Refined white sugar, Bleached Flour


Other interesting facts

  • Refrigerated foods slowly deteriorate.
  • Fruits and vegetables that are frozen when fresh will resume the same level of radiation (electromagnetic energy).
  • The famous water of Lourdes has 14,000 angstroms.
  • Dehydration of foods causes little loss of energy.


A Few Simple Rules to Keep in Mind

  • The brain and nervous centers of the body contain the highest energetic or electrical tissues we have.
  • Fruits have the highest electrical energy of all the foods.
  • Fruits will regenerate brain and nerve tissue, whereas vegetables will not.
  • Fruits are brain and nerve foods as well as the cleaners of tissue.
  • Vegetables are the builders, which are suited for muscle and skeletal tissue.
  • Nuts and seeds are structural foods and are strengthening to the body as a whole.
  •  The more energetic the foods are that you eat, the more vibrant and healthy you become.
  • The state of pure energy is available to us all.

Be an Energitarian and enjoy a vitalized life!


