In the often confusing and overwhelming world of nutrition science, I like to remind myself of the simple fact that sunlight is our ultimate nutrient. And it is highly unlikely that this fact will change anytime soon. I find this knowledge refreshing in contrast to the ever-changing array of health theories, diet programs, and nutrition supplements that become popular from time to time.
Sunlight nutrition is essential for human health. In fact, light is the essential element from which all life originates and is energized.
According to Nobel Prize Laureate Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi, the essential life process is a little electrical current sent to us by the sunshine. Without that light current, there is no health. We can absorb sunlight energy and utilize its nutrients in a number of ways, including eating raw, plant-based food, getting moderate sun exposure on our skin, walking barefoot on dirt or sand and by drinking or using sun-charged water.
Benefits of Sunlight nutrition in Food
The types of food that contain the highest amount of stored sun energy include raw nuts and seeds, sun-ripened fruits and vegetables and sprouted or soaked grains. When we eat raw, fresh plant foods, the stored sun nutrients find their way into our cells in the form of minute particles of light called biophotons. The higher the level of light energy the food emits, the greater its vitality and capacity to transfer those sun nutrients to the human body.
The degree to which any food can store biophotons, should thus be the true measure of the quality of that food.
Biophotons contain important information that controls complex vital process in the human body, according to Prof. A. Popp and Dr. H. Niggli. In fact, biophotons have the power to order, regulate and elevate the person to a “higher coherence.” Experimental studies have shown that biophotons are not only important within individual cells but are integral to the communication network of cells within the entire body. Significantly higher levels of biophotons have been found in organically grown food, but also differences have been found in conjunction to ripeness, location, and freshness of the food. According to Gabriel Cousens, M.D., two of the highest solar-enriched foods are organic spirulina and flax seed in various forms, including flax seed oil. You can read more about the benefits of ingesting spirulina and flaxseed in Cousens’ article.
Benefits of Sun-charged Water
Another potential way of absorbing sunlight energy is by drinking sun-charged water. You can make sun-charged water by putting a glass jug of clean, filtered drinking water in the sun for 5 to 8 hours. You would then drink or use that water within 24 hours. Since light and heat oxidizes food and water, I believe the main purpose of drinking sun-charged water is to help with any bacterial, viral, or fungal infections in the body. I do not recommend drinking sun-charged water every day.
You can also apply sun-charged water topically on any skin condition, cut, or lesion to support healing.
For example, a few years ago, my sister had a surgery incision that was not healing properly, so I suggested she try the sun-charged water. She was skeptical that it would help, but figured she had nothing to lose. So she made the sun-charged water and then applied it on and around her incision that night. The next morning, to her surprise, she noticed and felt significant improvement and it started to heal properly after that. Perhaps it was a coincidence, but you never know…
Other ways to absorb Sun Energy
The other obvious way to absorb sun energy is by getting direct sun exposure on one’s skin. Contrary to popular belief (and some false programming), regular sun exposure is healthy! Studies have shown that getting even short intervals of 10 to 15 minutes in the sun enables our bodies to produce the “sunshine vitamin” D, which has properties of both a vitamin and a hormone. Many health experts and researchers agree that vitamin D deficiency is linked to many cancers, especially cancers of the colon, lung, breast and prostate. As is often the case, too much of a good thing is usually bad. Thus, we must still take caution with sun exposure and be careful to avoid sunburn.
When spring arrives, it is a good idea to go out gradually during the morning hours and limit full sun exposure to 15 to 30 minutes a day. Then you can progressively increase your time in the sun and carefully assess your own skin tolerance and how much sun exposure you can get without burning.
The idea is to expose the bare skin of your arms and legs (with no sunscreen on) to sunlight for a moderate period of time. If you know you are going to be out in the sun for a prolonged period of time, wearing long pants and sleeves would be wise. And if this is not practical, you could use a mineral-based (i.e., non-chemical) sunscreen on your skin. Actually, even most of the mineral-based sunscreens have some chemicals in them, but they contain much fewer and much less harmful chemicals than the standard grocery/drug store brands.
Another way to absorb the sun’s energy is by walking barefoot on a sandy beach or on bare dirt.. Apparently walking barefoot on grass or concrete does not have the same effect.
Summary of Sunlight nutrition
We can utilize the most benefits of sunlight nutrition by eating an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables, raw nuts and seeds and sprouted or soaked grains. In addition, moderate sun exposure to the skin is essential for optimal vitamin D production and utilization in the body. Sun-charged water may also be useful for anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, or anti-viral purposes and can be ingested or applied topically to the skin.